It is vital that an airline utilizes internal auditors that are impartial and functionally independent from the operational activities being audited (refer ORG 2.1.8). ACS’ IOSA Airline Auditor Training course also includes a module on auditor impartiality and independence including expected ethical and professional standards for auditors (i.e. auditor code of conduct).
This course will also build and/or enhance auditing interpersonal skills and questioning techniques specifically relating to IOSA audits.
IOSA Operators are required to have a training and qualification program for auditors that conduct auditing under their quality assurance program as specified in ORG 2.1.1. Participants who successfully complete this course will meet the requirements of initial and/or continuing auditor training in accordance with the IOSA Standards Manual ORG 2.1.9, including Internal Auditing against the ISARPs.

On completion of this course you will be able to:
▪ Use IOSA checklists in internal audits;
▪ Interpret IOSA Standards and Recommended Practices (ISARPs);
▪ Use Auditor Actions;
▪ Audit Organisation and Management System (ORG) and repeated ORG ISARPs;
▪ Produce a cross-reference list with requirements of the current ISM.
Key topics
▪ IOSA program overview and documentation;
▪ IOSA Standards and Recommended Practices (ISARPs) requirements;
▪ IOSA Quality Assurance requirements;
▪ Audit methodology and procedures;
▪ Use of Auditor Actions;
▪ Complete a Non-Conformity Record (NCR) including root cause analysis, corrective action plan and implementation and evaluation of effectiveness;
▪ Auditing Organization and Management System (ORG) and ORG repeated ISARPS;
▪ Completion of a conformance report or cross-reference list;
▪ Outsourced functions oversight.
This course is offered both publicly and in-house course to individual client organisations.
For further info send your inquiry to and ACS would be pleased to provide you with a competitive proposal for our specialist aviation training services.